Monday, November 12, 2012

Joining two pieces of metal

Welding has quickly become something I really enjoy. I'll be posting various articles and sites that I find extremely insightful or interesting on the subject.

First up is an article, Zen and the Weld Puddle, that on the surface seems rather weird to me, but after reading makes a lot of sense in it's approach. The amount of information is amazing. The same information exists in the few books that I have accumulated regarding the subject, but not the amount of detail.

More to come...

Monday, April 09, 2012

A few things to know when using TFS

  • Gated checkings may leave files marked as changed but with no differences when a compare is performed.

    My first thought was making sure there were no indications of these files having taken part in the next changeset, well, there isn't

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

I was asked to speak on a topic at the New Mexico .Net Users Group.  I chose to speak on TFS and it's role in Continuous Integration and Agile.  I'll be posting my presentation here for the participants and anyone else that may find it useful.

The in progress presentation can be found here.