Thursday, December 16, 2010

NetTiers Pros-Cons
  1. Setting indexes to provide complex get service methods
  2. Custom procedures behaving as normal NetTiers service methods
  3. Lazy related table loading
  4. Business Rules!! More on this later.
  1. Database must contain primary keys.
    • This may seem a little stupid, but having to support a database built several years ago with sad technologies sucks and prevents me from using NetTiers
  2. Selective field retrieval not possible, as Keith Elder explains
    • Some comments are in order.  NetTiers does support lazy loading of related table data through the DeepLoad method.  This has proven invaluable.  Good database normalization would increase this methods impact and get very close to Keith's nirvana.
  3. Does not natively support multiple NetTiers projects in solution. More on this in a later post.